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Guest blogger, Rachael has written about her experience relaxing and healing here at Tara Casa. This is the first in a series of blogs by Rachael… enjoy…


By Guest Blogger, Rachael Wharton

I look down at my toes hanging off the bright blue edge of the Tara Casa Pool, anticipating the cool relief which comes moments later. I take a slow deep inhale. My dive out of the Suns relentless heat, is slowed by the cool weight of water streaming across my sun-soaked skin, every cell sings with delight. I glide a few more moments, relishing the tranquillity in an underwater world, before bringing myself to the surface for my next oxygen rich breath. I emerge into an appreciation of the pink and purple Bougainvillea that flourishes at one end of the pool.

TC is a sensual place to relax and recuperate which I have been doing for the past 6 weeks. I’m very fortunate that Viv is my mum, and her and Dan have welcomed me here to take some time out to recover from a challenging time in my life. And with a heatwave wafting through Europe, I’m rather glad to be in here in Spain with TC’s cool pool and air-conditioned bedrooms, rather than being back in the UK where my friends whatsapp me about their heatwave struggles in hot jobs and hot houses.

On a personal level, as well as relaxing and healing my overworked system, I’ve had the much needed space to reflect on how I arrived at where I am in my life and to surrender to the here and now, not knowing where my path is leading me. It’s not been easy but the internal struggle is relinquishing its hold. The spark of creativity is returning and it’s most welcome. As yet, I’ve not participated in making a mosaic but I’ve watched with interest guests with no previous experience, throw themselves into learning the art with Dan, in a relaxed informal way, and leave proud as punch of their creations. I’m beginning to wonder if it’s only fear of failure holding me back from having a go. We’ll see!

As I lay on a Sun bed last night, listening to the breeze play in the palm trees and observing the stars emerge out of the recently descended night sky, I felt deeply grateful to be in such a healing place. So for now I’m resisting the urge to move forward with anything and will continue to take things slow, with gentle daily walks around the little village of La Magdalena from where I can soak up the 7am sun rise. I’ll have my weekly acupuncture sessions with Carlos who also teaches Yoga classes here in the TC Studio and gives wonderful Thai massages; be nourished by Dan’s legendary meals; and spend time with my mum who has taken to cutting my hair and ‘styling’ it with gel she made from boiled flax seeds… don’t be concerned, I’ve not seen her do this to any guests yet! When I feel like it I’ll bask in the sun and immerse myself in my surroundings, and then rest cool as a cucumber in my chilled Spanish room.

“Very little grows on jagged rock. Be ground. Be crumbled. So wildflowers will come up where you are. You’ve been stony for too many years. Try something different. Surrender.”


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