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Yoga for beginners

Are you listening to your needs?

Let Yoga be a balancing influence in your life. Yoga for beginners

Yoga for beginners
Let Yoga be the balancing influence in your life

Yoga for Beginners – What does your body and mind need? All work and no rest?!!  A balanced life is the foundation for health, happiness, positive relationships and growth, yet our culture encourages anything but a balanced lifestyle.  We are programmed by our society to achieve, compete and to ‘do’, in order to appear successful and important. This is often with total disregard to our physical, mental and spiritual needs. To just ‘be’ is frowned upon, or viewed as lazy or mindless.

Often it is only when we can no longer cope, our bodies are exhausted, our brains frazzled and we’re suffering with ill health, that we decide to do something different.

In eastern philosophies including Yoga, the body and mind are viewed as one.  When the mind struggles, it is reflected in the body and when the body struggles the mind can’t cope. The wisdom of the Body-mind is incredible, yet many of us either ignore, or have completely cut off from listening to its messages.

Nature knows balance; we see this in the seasons, we see this in the animal kingdom, predator, or prey, everything exists in harmony so the ecosystem can flourish. Yet we humans for all of our intelligence, traverse a path which is unharmonious, not only to ourselves but to nature itself.

We are part of nature and can only exist in our full potential when we are awake, aware and in tune with the Body-mind.  We need a healthy dose of work that is fulfilling in some way, plus healthy playtime, i.e. something inspiring, or creative, rather than for example drinking to wash away the tension of work.  Quality time with family and loved ones, as well as time alone, is important for health and balance.

As we know when we eat too much unhealthy food, it impacts on our weight and how we look and feel. Everything can become ‘junk food’ when we indulge too much one way or another. Even being healthy can become an unhealthy obsession.

The beauty of Yoga is that it includes our physical, mental and spiritual needs, total balance. Through yoga we re-learn how to listen and interpret the messages of our Body-mind and through conscious awareness those learned unhealthy behaviours unfold and are replaced with new, caring, positive and self-loving behaviours, which can then flow into existence. More joy abounds, the struggle ends and life flows more easily.

Article by Rachael wharton, Yoga teacher

For information on Rachael’s classes held in surrey, email or see

When was the last time you took care of your most important needs? How often does something else get on the way of your health and happiness? Is your Bodymind in need of self-care and nurturing?

At Tara Casa you can immerse yourself in many activities to give you just what your body-mind yearns for. Find out more about Yoga and take home with you all you need.





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